ANCAP future technical directions.

Coxon, C.

ANCAP has reviewed international crash test programs to see how to upgrade the occupant safety information, within the available budget for procuring, testing and assessing new vehicles. A summary of present world NCAP consumer information is presented. ANCAP's future strategy during the next decade will require decisions on which of the present NCAP harmonised crash tests continue to be used. Reasons for change are discussed in order to reduce injury to vehicle occupants in serious crashes. Differences in the roles of crash avoidance and occupant protection in contributions to vehicle crashes have not been addressed in present ANCAP information packs. Information in a simple format that includes pre-crash items that may prevent the crash in addition to the occupant injury received in a crash has been identified as worthwhile to consumers who are looking for a safe new vehicle. A method to add pre-crash information to ANCAP assessments is suggested, together with the type of equipment effective in pre-crash safety. Unfortunately, there is limited available research on effectiveness of pre-crash equipment. Preliminary methods that could make this information available to consumers in a simple format are presented. For the covering abstract see ITRD E825082.


C 31008 (In: C 30848 CD-ROM) /91 /95 / ITRD E124450

In: Proceedings of the 18th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Nagoya, Japan, May 19-22, 2003, 8 p., 14 ref.

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