Annual bulletin of transport statistics for Europe and North America : 2008.

United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe UNECE

The Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe and North America, published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), provides basic data on transport activity in the ECE Region (List of ECE member countries on the following page). Data in this publication covers transport activity; transport equipment and transport infrastructure by mode (rail, road, inland waterway, maritime, intermodal and oil pipeline). General information on population, energy consumption in transport and on road traffic accidents are also provided. This publication , as well as the Bulletin on Statistics of Road Traffic Accidents in Europe and North America are produced under the auspices of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee. Its subsidiary body, the Working Party on Transport Statistics, administers the annual collection of data from ECE member countries and, at the same time, aims to harmonize transport statistics at the international level. (Author/publisher)

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C 50496 [electronic version only]

New York / Geneva, United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe UNECE, 2008, VII + 224 p.; Volume LV - ISSN 0250-9911

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