Answering the Actual Demands through Rengineering of highway information management system (HIMS) in Serbia.

Uzelac, D.J. & Radovic, N.

According to World Bank initiative, in the year 1990. was started the development of Data base on roads of Yugoslavia, which was designed to be the basis for contemporary management of road network maintenance and development. During year 1991. Road Directorate of Serbia adopted the Program, and it was the beginning of intensive works on development of the first HIMS with integrated Road Data Base, Bridge Data Base and Traffic Data Base. During the nineties, the information system had an important role in road network managing, and, after ten years of experience, the reengineering of the entire system has been started, and today is nearly completed, with the main goal - to fulfill expectations of system users and requests of actual methods and technologies (i.e. HDM 4, new data acquisition devices..). Those activities commenced in year 2000. with detailed analysis of Road Management System Processes, and with special attention to the users expectations and requests. One highly valuable Model of RMS Processes was created. Through development of the appropriate integrated Data Bases, the very powerful HIMS is nearly completed. This report presents in short Model of RMS Processes which is the key step for creation of the appropriate Highway Information Management System, which will fulfill the requests and expectations of users. For the covering abstract see ITRD E135448.

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C 42858 (In: C 42760 CD-ROM) /10 /60 / ITRD E136321

In: CD-DURBAN : proceedings of the XXIIth World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Durban, South Africa, 19 to 25 October 2003, Individual Papers Strategic Theme 4. 2004. 10p (7 Refs.)

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