Anthropomorphic test dummy, model 825-50, operation and service manual.

Roshala, J.L. & Popp, L.E.

The report covers the development, manufacture, testing, and evaluation of two (2) 50th percentile male anthropomorphic test dummies. The objective was to develop a test dummy which NHTSA could use for compliance tests with appropriate Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in the evaluation of protection systems for vehicle occupants during real and simulated impact conditions. A further objective was to generate a corresponding test dummy data package which could be made available to any source interested in manufacturing, checking, comparing with other dummy configurations and otherwise verifying the accuracy and precision of the various details.

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B 24154 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1976, 100 p.; DOT HS 801 972

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