Antilock braking systems : do drivers need training ?

Smith, L.R. Grayson, G.B. & Baughan, C.J.

This paper outlines work, currently being conducted by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), to investigate the effectiveness of anti lock braking systems (ABS) in reducing the accident involvement of equipped vehicles, and the need for drivers of ABS-fitted vehicles to be trained or educated in the use of ABS. The paper first outlines how ABS work, the advantages of ABS and the potential and reported accident savings of ABS, as assessed by an accident questionnaire posted to 80,000 UK vehicle owners. Many researchers have speculated why the potential benefits of ABS may not have been fully realised. Considerations that need to be addressed by an ABS training intervention include: (1) skills and knowledge required by the driver; (2) what evidence relates to deficiencies in knowledge and skills; (3) what evidence relates to attempts to overcome this lack of knowledge; (4) the effectiveness of post-test driver training in general; and (5) theoretical perspectives on effective training. The paper briefly describes a qualitative study of existing ABS training in the UK, conducted as part of the TRL's current research. Although existing training addresses limitations in drivers' knowledge of ABS, it is less obvious whether a more complex course in ABS and emergency control skills should be recommended.

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C 15124 (In: C 15118 [electronic version only]) /83 /91 / ITRD E105263

In: Behavioural research in road safety IX : proceedings of a seminar, 1999, p. 55-64, 12 ref.

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