On the application of the HIC as head protection criterion.

Faerber, E. & Kramer, F.

The WSU tolerance curve describes the relationship between effective acceleration and time duration of effective acceleration for brain injury in fore-head impacts. The HIC was developed to rate resultant dummy head accelerations according to the WSU tolerance curve. In the ECE/GRCS draft regulation concerning occupant protection in frontal passenger car impacts, a head protection criterion (HPC) is now being considered which limits the application of HIC in the case of dummy head impact. In this paper, problems of HIC application in crash testing are discussed.

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B 24296 (In: B 24280) /84/ IRRD 284803

In: Proceedings of the 1985 Internatonal IRCOBI / AAAM Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Göteborg, Sweden 24 June, 1985, p. 235-252, 6 fig., 4 tab., 20 ref.

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