Application of highway development and management tool for low-volume roads.

Veeraragavan, A. & Reddy, K.B.R.

Connectivity is a key component of rural development in developing countries. Traditionally, many road organizations budget and program for road works on a historical basis. An objective, needs-based approach is necessary with knowledge of the content, structure, and condition of the roads being managed. The Highway Development and Management Tool (HDM-4) provides a suitable framework for such an approach. From the available traffic and condition surveys, nine representative low-volume road sections with varying geometry and pavement condition are analyzed. The types of vehicles using the roads are two- and three-wheelers; standard medium buses; standard minibuses; light commercial vehicles; two-axle trucks, cars, and tractors among the motorized traffic; and bullock cart and bicycle among the nonmotorized traffic, which are the conventional modes of transport for low-volume roads in developing countries. The purpose of the study is to forecast budget requirements and predict performance trends by applying the strategy analysis of HDM-4 to low-volume roads. The analysis was carried out for two objective functions: to maximize the net present value and to minimize the total costs for a target international roughness index. The design period was 20 years; economic indicators were determined at a discount rate of 12%. Two investment alternatives, namely, a desired maintenance and an ideal maintenance, are compared with the do-minimum alternative. The study reveals that the strategy application of HDM-4 can be used for managing low-volume roads effectively. The tool will help in forecasting budget requirements and assessing the impact of various investment alternatives. This paper is also available on CD-ROM (see C 30152 CD-ROM).

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C 30058 (In: C 30054 S [electronic version only]) /10 / IRRD E824821

In: Eight International Conference on Low-Volume Roads 2003 : papers presented at the Eight International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, Reno, Nevada, June 22-25, 2003, Volume 1, Transportation Research Record TRR 1819, p. 24-29, 4 ref.

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