The application of network operations planning framework to assist with congestion management and integrated land use and transport.

Hewitt, S.

The Austroads Network Operation Planning Framework (the Framework) was developed in 2009 however it is not widely used by road agencies. This research aimed to understand each road agency’s approach and consider how the Framework could be improved to reflect current/emerging practice. The project examined eight examples of how network operation activities are undertaken across New Zealand, Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria. This report outlines each phase of the current Framework, how the jurisdictions are applying the elements of the phase, and recommends changes to the order and elements of some of the phases. A new network operations planning framework was developed and described in this report. (Author/publisher)

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20130518 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2013, III + 82 p., 8 ref.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R426-13 - ISBN 978-1-921991-80-6

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