Application of a New Mechanical Stabilization and Other Techniques in Reducing the Cost and Impact of Rural Road Construction.

Mukabi, J. Toda, T. & Shimizu, N.

It is indeed a common notion world wide that civil engineering projects cause detrimental damage to the environment. However, specific analysis of the balance between development oriented projects and nature and environmental conservation have yet to be pragmatically addressed from a civil and geotechnical engineering perspective. The necessity to develop the mechanical stabilization based Optimum Batching Ratio Method (OBRM) was first prompted by the lack of suitable materials for the construction of a 330km trunk road traversing mainly through lowland rural areas where the alignmentsoils were mostly of an expansive nature. Conventional engineering solutions would have necessitated deeper excavations of borrow pits to ensure the supply of quality materials. Furthermore, during the construction of this road, the 1998 El-Nino floods caused colossal damage to the pavement andhydraulic structures. The road works operations would therefore have beenforced to expand requiring more land for realignment and material use. Two project case studies of trunk roads where the OBRM and other recently developed comprehensive design and construction procedures were adopted in solving issues that would have otherwise been detrimental to road users andland owners are presented from an engineering perspective. It is demonstrated that these methods effectively reduced the cost of construction and minimized negative environmental impacts mainly in terms of dust reduction,disturbance of the local habitat, contributed to the preservation of the adjacent national park and displacement of the inhabitants. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 44864 (In: C 44570 DVD) /15 /51 /52 / ITRD E139789

In: CD-PARIS : proceedings of the 23rd World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 13 p., 35 ref.

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