An application of urban shopping models.

Verster, A.C.P. Leeuwen, I.L. van & Langen, M. de

Methodological results are described of an investigation into the effects of a new shopping centre in the vicinity of Amsterdam on the existing shopping centres. An approach using a model of the activity-allocation type is compared with a choice-model approach. It is concluded that a straightforward and valid analysis of shopping behaviour can be obtained easiest by a choice-model description; maximum-likelihood estimation of a logit model and specifying the aggregation level as required to obtain the envisaged results.

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B 9830 (In: B 9815 [electronic version only]) /10/ IRRD 221568

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1976, p. 369-408, 1 fig., 4 tab., 4 ref.

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