Applications of barrier VII in design of flexible barriers.

Bligh, R.P. & Sicking, D.L.

Evaluation of the performance of roadside safety appurtenances has always been limited by the high costs associated with full-scale crash testing. Computer simulation programs have provided a relatively inexpensive alternative for analysing vehicle/barrier interactions. Barrier vii is one such program that has been used successfully as a design tool in the development of numerous barrier systems. This paper summarises the barrier vii simulation model, discusses input requirements, and describes the appropriate applications and limitations of the program for analysing longitudinal barrier impacts. The applications discussed include determination of design loads, evaluation of barrier performance limits, prediction of vehicle snagging, and determination of the critical impact location for a barrier system. Examples of these applications are given to emphasise these capabilities and limitations and to aid the user in the design of flexible barrier systems.

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C 22214 (In: C 22202 S) /85 / IRRD 834722

In: Design and testing of roadside safety devices : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1233, p. 117-123, 17 ref.

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