An approach to the validation of road traffic noise models.

Huybregts, N. & Marks, T.

This document has been prepared by Austroads as a guide to the preparation and assessment of validation studies of traffic noise prediction models, and represents the final outcome of a project with the following key objectives: 1. the development of a technical basis for a preferred traffic noise model for use in Australia and New Zealand; 2. the development of a preferred road traffic noise modelling validation methodology; and 3. the development of guidelines for undertaking, reporting and assessing traffic noise validation studies. One aim of the project is to provide the technical basis for a consistent approach to traffic noise modelling within a framework of choice by authorities and users. The emphasis of this document, however, is to provide guidance in the preparation and assessment of road traffic noise validation studies. This report provides a summary of the current accuracy of state, territory and New Zealand noise models and examines the benefits of a common model to measure road traffic noise that may be applied nationally, with recommendations for uniform practices. (Author/publisher)

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C 22690 [electronic version only] /15 /23 / ITRD E206124

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2002, 51 p., 21 ref.; AP-T14/02 - ISBN 0-85588-605-6

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