Approaches : a state of the art.

Norrbom, C.-E. Frye, A. Rosenbloom, S. Lewis, D.L. Suen, L. Heraty, M. & Carlsson, B.

At the conference one of themes was state of the art descriptions of different approaches towards an increased mobility. The following papers were presented: Towards mobility as a human right: Sweden's policy on mobility for the disabled (Norrbom, C.E.); The situation in Europe (Frye, A.); The US approach to the needs of the elderly and disabled (Rosenbloom, S.); Towards a doctrine of mobility as a human right (Lewis, D. and Suen, L.); Transport for elderly and disabled people in developing countries (Heray, M.); Towards mobility as a human right (Carlsson, B.).

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C 4026 (In: C 4024) /72 / IRRD 869598

In: COMOTRED 89 : mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons : proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-24 May 1989, p. 27-124, 117 ref.

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