Arbeid en gezondheid van stadsbus-chauffeurs.

Kompier, M.A.J.

The present study deals with the nature, size and development of health problems of city bus drivers in the netherlands and, specifically, in Groningen. The actual research programme carried out was instigated by the high absenteeism figures found among city bus drivers in Groningen. In addition it is investigated whether health problems of city bus drivers are work-related. The research was also aimed towards formulating recommendations which would attain a more balanced relationship between the workload and the worker's capacity. The results show that the cumulative process model on work and health provides a proper conceptual framework for studying the relationships between work and health of city bus drivers. It is concluded that driving city buses is an occupation with high risks for health and well-being. Workload is also shown to be an important factor in the process of progressive deterioration of health and well-being. This work-related character has been suggested on the basis of: (a) comparisons with other occupational groups; (b) meaningful and plausible relations that can be assumed between work factors and the nature and size of health problems (for instance between: ergonomic deficiencies, self-reported musculoskeletal disorders, absenteeism, disability); (c) longitudinal comparisons of ex-drivers before and after; rehabilitation; and (d) the literature on this subject.

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B 26890 /83 / IRRD 814271

Delft, Uitgeverij Eburon, 1988, 237 p., 207 ref. - ISBN 90-70879-96-4

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