Arbeidstijdverkorting (ATV) en verplaatsingsgedrag : een voorstudie.

Tacken, M. & Gantvoort, J.T.

A report of a preliminary study to the future effects of labour time reduction upon traffic and transport, especially upon the volume of peak-hour traffic, is presented. Dealt with are a.o. the development of labour time reduction in the Netherlands looking forward towards 1990, an overview of the literature, and a comparison of data of two mobility studies in order to check which study is most suited for determining the influence of labour time reduction upon the travel pattern.

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B 23987 /72/ IRRD 282913

Delft, Technische Hogeschool/Instituut voor Stedebouwkundig Onderzoek ISO, 1984, 43 p., 32 ref.

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