Area wide traffic calming measures and their effect on safety in Germany.

Blanke, H. & Brilon, W.

The effects of extensive traffic calming measures in Germany were investigated by three federal institutions in a joint research project. Six residential areas, including one in Berlin, were chosen to study different aspects of traffic calming. Detailed accident analyses and accident rate studies were made. They showed that extensive traffic calming makes important contributions to improved traffic safety. The introduction of extensive traffic calming measures in five of the six residential areas showed the following average decreases in accident rates: (1) 63% in serious injuries; (2) 49% in slight injuries; (3) 40% in accident costs; (4) 78% in motorcyclists involved; (5) 17% in cyclists involved; (6) 25% in pedestrians involved; and (7) 40% in accidents due to turning manoeuvres. There were no fatalities. No accident features showed a change for the worse in all five of the traffic-calmed areas. The author's recommendation of extensive traffic calming is also supported by comparisons with accident rates in non-calmed areas.

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C 10956 (In: C 10952) /73 /81 / IRRD 887563

In: Living and walking in cities : town planning and infrastructure project for safety in city life : papers presented at the international conference, Brescia, 3-4 June 1994, p. 144-155, 5 ref.

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