Årsrapport : personskader opstået ved trafikulykker behandlet på skadestuen, Odense sygehus, 1980.

Nordentoft, E.L. Kruse, T. Somers, R.L. Jörgensen, K. Hansen, K.L. Landorph, B.L. Bache, K. & Hansen, A.E.

The tables and figures of this report are all based on information collected by the Public Accident Statistics Register run by the Accident Analysis Group. The Register combines relevant data from the Danish National Nureau of Statistics and the Hospital Department of the County of Funen. The report concerns the people who in 1980 were treated at the emergency room of Odense University Hospital after having been involved in a road traffic accident. Throughout the report the definition of a traffic accident is consistent with that used by the Danish Bureau of Statistics, namely "an accident taking place in an area covered by the traffic law and where at least one vehicle has been involved directly or indirectly".

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C 25841 /81 /84 /

Odense, Odense Universitet, Ulykkes Analyse Gruppen, Laboratoriet for Samfundsmedicinsk & Sundhedsökonomisk Forkning, 1981, 38 p.

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