A(sian) traffic vision .

Van Mele, K. & Boucke, B.

The Traficon video detection system is used for traffic management worldwide. Applications of Traficon for monitoring inner-city traffic, commuter traffic on highways and arterial roads, and traffic in inner-city tunnels in Asia are outlined. The use of the VIP/P presence detector, VIP/D data monitor and VIP/I incident monitor is described. The VIP/D data monitor is regularly used as a queue monitor during temporary road works. The Traficon video image processing system is being used to aid law enforcement and to detect illegal parking in Malaysia. The VIP/I incident monitor can be used to manage tunnel ventilation. For the covering abstract see ITRD E115762.

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C 24747 (In: C 24715) /73 / ITRD E115794

In: Traffic technology international 2002 : the 2002 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 168-170, 172

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