Aspects of road design and trucks from the analysis of crashes.

Andreassen, D.

An examination was made of two years of truck crash data using the writer’s crash coding system and that gave a data set of about 7,000 crashes involving trucks. The trucks were classified into 'rigid' and 'articulated' and the relative and absolute involvement of the two classes in urban and rural areas by 'accident-type' was investigated and related to road design and roadside features. The use of large vehicles should be controlled to specific road classes/routes. The design of big vehicles also needs to be reconsidered. The driver needs to have greater visual knowledge of the area around his vehicle, and a better signalling system. Traffic regulations should be reviewed and penalties for offences involving big vehicles should be greater than those offences involving cars due to the greater severity of casualties sustained in crashes involving trucks. More of the data that is presently collected should be processed and put into State databases. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E213669.

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C 36496 (In: C 36492) [electronic version only] /91 /73 / ITRD E213673

In: IPENZ Transportation Group Technical Conference papers 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand, 17 September 2003, 11 p.

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