Assessing fitness to drive, Part 1.

Odell, M.

The requirement for general practitioners to write reports about their patients' fitness to drive will increase as the population ages and licensing criteria change. It is important that GPs understand the medical and legal issues involved in this important area of public health. This two part article discusses the rationale behind assessing fitness to drive and briefly summarises several medical conditions that commonly give rise to problems. This information will help GPs understand the decision making process regarding this sensitive issue, and improve the quality of medical reports. Adequate assessment and reporting can help patients avoid becoming involved in traffic crashes, and the doctor from becoming involved in court appearances. Specific medical conditions discussed in part one are epilepsy, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Guidelines are based on currently available evidence regarding the effects of medical conditions on driving and are subject toregular review as new information becomes available. (Author/publisher) For Part 2 see C 33663 fo.

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C 33662 [electronic version only]

Australian Family Physician, Vol. 34 (2005), No. 5 (May), p. 359-363, 27 ref.

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