An assessment of criteria for the prediction of contusion injury under non- penetrating thoracic impact.

Bush, I.S. & Challener, S.A.

A study has been carried out to assess the effect on injury level of the parameters which characterise a non- penetrating thoracic impact. This study has used the dynamic finite element code DYNA2D and the dynamic simulation code GENDYN. Injury level has been calculated using a range of criteria. The study has shown that acceleration of the outside of the chest wall is a very poor indicator of the expected injury level, bearing little or no relationship to the actual pressure conditions in the lung.

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B 29411 (In: B 29401) /84 / IRRD 826440

In: Proceedings of the 1989 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Stockholm (Sweden), September 13- 14- 15, 1989, p.111- 122, 4 ref.

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