Assessment of lap- shoulder belt restraint performance in laboratory testing.

Rouhana, S.W. Horsch, J.D. Kroell, C.K.

Hyge sled tests were conducted using a rear- seat sled fixture to evaluate submarining responses (the lap belt of a lap- shoulder belt restraint loads the abdominal region instead of the pelvis). Objectives of these tests included an evaluation of methods to determine the occurrence of submarining; an investigation into the influence of restraint system parameters, test severity, and type of anthropomorphic test device on submarining response; and an exploration of the mechanics of submarining.

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B 29816 (In: B 29801 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 829254

In: Proceedings of the 33rd Stapp Car Crash Conference, Washington, D.C., October 4- 6, 1989, p.243- 256, 16 ref. SAE Paper No. 892439.

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