An assessment of user acceptance of Intelligent Speed Adaptation systems

Piao, J.; McDonald, M.; Henry, A.; Vaa, T.; Tveit, Ø.

As a new approach, Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) systems are being developed to help drivers to avoid speeding. In this study, driver acceptance of ISA was assessed based on questionnaire results in three European cities. The following questions were addressed in this study: (1) Do drivers like ISA systems? (2) Are drives willing to pay for the ISA system? (3) What types of roadways driver like to use ISA systems? This is part of the work of STARDUST, an EU project aimed at assessing the extent to which Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Automated Vehicle Guidance (AVG) systems can contribute to sustainable urban development.

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Verschenen in
Proceedings of the IEEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Stad congres
Vienna, Austria
Datum congres
13-16 September 2005
20230037 ST [electronic version only]

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