ASVV : recommendations for traffic provisions in built-up areas + glossary.


The fourth edition of the Dutch manual with recommendations for traffic provisions within built-up areas appeared in 1996. This manual known as the ASVV is regarded in the Netherlands as a standard, and this is a version of the ASVV in English. The layout of the manual follows the steps involved in the traffic engineering design process; from basic information through methods of work to provisions. In the Recommendations a large portion is reserved for the so-called "specification sheets for provisions". On each specification sheet the following aspects occur: (1) area of application: the cases in which a certain provision can or should be applied or not; (2) design: what a provision should look like; (3) dimensioning: which dimensions may or should be retained; (4) construction: how a provision can or should be made (use of materials etc); (5) the combination options. For the first and second edition see B 23595 and B 25151, for the third edition see PB 30166 S.

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C 18941 S /70 /71 /72 / IRRD E100451

Ede, C.R.O.W Information and Technology Centre for Transport and Infrastructure, 1998, 1011 + 16 p.; Record ; No. 15 - ISBN 90-6628-265-7

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