Atemstörungen und Unfall.

Ulmer, W.T.

During an accident the respiration may be directly affected, i. e. by damage to the respiratory centre, paresis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, pneumo thorax, damage to the phrenic nerve with diaphragmatic paralysis and rupture of the bronchus may occur. Pre-existing diseases in the bronchial/lung system may be aggravated by an accident. The cause are mostly obstructive such as oversensitivity of the bronchial system or chronic obstructive airway disease. Advice on the treatment of these conditions is given.

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B 8348 T /84.1/ IRRD 303011

Monatschrift für Unfallheilkunde, Vol. 77 (1974), No. 11 (November), p. 508-517, 2 graph., 2 tab., 12 ref.

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