ATRF 2009 : proceedings of the 32nd Australasian Transport Research Forum: the growth engine: interconnecting transport performance, the economy and the environment, Auckland, New Zealand, 29 September-1 October 2009.


For the records of papers (or relevant papers) presented, please see C 48650 - C 48696 (ITRD abstract nos E217708, E218308 to E218321, E218349 to E218379, E218381 to E218383, E218386 and E218626).

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C 48649 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /71 /72 /82 / ITRD E218380

Henderson, Auckland, Convention Management, 2009, [CD-ROM]; Australasian Transport Research Forum ; Volume 32 - ISSN 0313-6655

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