Attitudes of health professionals to giving advice on fitness to drive.

Hawley, C. on behalf of the project team

This report outlines the findings of the research that studied the attitudes of health professionals to giving advice to patients regarding their fitness to drive. A multi-method approach was taken that incorporated surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and workshops. It aimed to capture the views of all disciplines of health professional who may be faced with a patient whose fitness to drive may be in doubt, to this end a wide range of recruiting and sampling techniques were used. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at

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20100109 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2010, 168 p., 47 ref.; Road Safety Research Report ; No. 91 - ISSN 1468-9138 / ISBN 978-1-906581-52-7

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