Australian efforts to improve motor vehicle occupant protection : 1998 "Bertil Aldman Award" lecture.

Vulcan, P.

This paper describes how some of the research, development and safety standards from other countries were adapted and applied to occupant protection in Australia. The contribution of Australian research and development to this process is also discussed, particularly in relation to seat belts. Some recent efforts to improve occupant protection, including provision of consumer information about crash performance derived from real world crashes (used car ratings) and the correlation with the Australian New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) is also discussed. Mention is made of a recently commenced research project to optimise protection in a side impact for the full range of crash conditions.

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C 16550 (In: C 16548) /91 / ITRD E203727

In: Proceedings of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Göteborg, Sweden, September 16-18, 1998, p. 9-23, 32 ref.

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