The Austrian microwave toll debiting pilot project : system aspects.

Magerl, G. Gruber, E. & Hjelmare, A.

This paper presents the Austrian microwave toll debiting pilot project which is now under construction at the Tauern Highway A10. The topology of the test site, where a conventional toll plaza already exists, is described. The tariff structure and the vehicle categories of an existing manual system and of the automatic system are discussed. The modular structure of the system architecture is illustrated. A brief account of the most important security features is also provided.

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C 10320 (In: C 9906 f [electronic version only]) /10 / IRRD 869030

In: "Towards an intelligent transport system" : proceedings of the first world congress on applications of transport telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems IVHS, Palais de Congrès de Paris, France, 30 November - 3 December 1994, Volume 6, p. 3360-3367

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