Auswirkungen der Alkoholauffälligkeit auf die kraftfahrspezifischen Leistungsqualitäten.

Wottawa, H.

The effects of various an amnesic criterions, especially of the variable "alcohol proneness ", on performance in tests specific for driving were studied. A linear model was applied and the values thus obtained have been standardized on deviation units in order to get parameters with comparable size for the different tests. The hypothesis could be derived that individuals with basically rather positive results in specific psychological performance tests have increased accident proneness under the influence of alcohol.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 842 fo /83.5/ IRRD 301036

Wien, Verkehrspsychologisches Institut des KfV, 1972, 8 p., tab. / From: Zeitschrift für Verkehrsrecht, Vol. 17 (1972), No. 5, p. 153-160

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