Auswirkungen von Verschleiss und Verformung der Fahrbahnoberfläche auf die Verkehrssicherheit.

Kamplade, J.

With the aim of finding an objective approach to condition rating of the characteristics of surface texture and transverse unevenness as regards their impact on traffic safety, rut condition, skid resistance and accident data on motorways have been recorded. Research findings show the following the rates of accidents greatly depend on the skid resistance of roadways when wet and to a less extent and nonuniformly on transverse unevenness.

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B 31077 (In: B 31068) /23 / IRRD 321405

In: Roads and Traffic 2000. Proceedings of the International Road and Traffic Conference, Berlin, 6- 9 September 1988. Volume II /1, p. 311- 316, 21 ref. Theme II: Road Construction and Maintenance.

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