To automate?

Hoevenaars, G.

The possibilities and practical limitations relating to the role of video analysis in traffic management are examined with reference to Ascom Systec AG's Invis video analysis system. All picture analysis systems generate some false alarms. These vary for different types of detection function and operators' tolerance of them varies. The core automatic functions in video analysis systems relate to picture switching and information provision. Traffic managers can view and assess a situation in real time. Data from video analysis systems on travelling times for particular highway sectors can be fed to Internet-based information of car navigation systems. Video analysis systems can be used to respond to an accident or traffic jam by switching on flashing warning lights or displaying a variable message sign message. Possible responses to a vehicle driving in the wrong direction or fire are discussed. For the covering abstract see ITRD E115762.

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C 24745 (In: C 24715) /73 /91 / ITRD E115792

In: Traffic technology international 2002 : the 2002 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 159-160

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