The automated speed enforcement programme in France.

Carnis, L.

This paper proposes a brief introduction to an automated speed enforcement programme (CSA - Contrôle Sanction Automatisé) and an overview of the first results to become available, and outlines some of the issues the system is currently raising. The first part of the article describes the context and the authorities' aims. It deals also with the working of the system and the followed strategy. The second part presents the first results obtained on driving speeds, infringements and accidents. The third and last part focuses on future issues relating to GSA functioning and the need both to rethink the system of governance it is a part of and to strive for greater social acceptance by road users. (Author/publisher)

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20090351 ST [electronic version only]

In: Australasian Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference 2007, Melbourne, Australia, October 17-19, 2007, 15 p., 19 ref.

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