Automated vehicle identification : a border crossing application.

Gibson, T.

The use of an Automated Vehicle Identification system to read number plates crossing the border between the United States and Canada is described. The Primary Automated Lookout System (PALS) comprises a) an imaging unit which incorporates a CCD camera, computer-controlled electronic shutter and stroboscopic illumination source, b) an infrared transceiver pair and c) a VME-based image processor built around the Motorola 68040. The system can search out the license plate, identify the number and check it within a short space of time. The advantages of the system are outlined. PALS is also linked up to a variety of national and international databases. As well as assisting the job of customs officials, statistical data can be collected and revenue collection improved.

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C 20713 (In: C 20695) /73 / IRRD 866045

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 104-105

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