Automatic vehicle steering using a fixed orientation distance feedback sensor.

Margolis, D. Rowhani, P. & Arai, A.

This paper describes a laser sensor which can measure, at high bandwidth, the distance between itself and a target. This sensor is proposed to be mounted at a fixed orientation to a vehicle equipped with automatic steering capability. It is assumed that the only available feedback variable is the distance from the sensor to a roadside target. The authors' objective was to design a controller for trajectory tracking, and to determine the best orientation angle of the sensor. Analytical and simulation results indicate that a high quality of control with small trajectory error and acceptable lateral acceleration can be achieved with a sensor orientation between 20 and 45 degrees with respect to the longitudinal vehicle axis. (A)

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C 16624 (In: C 16623) /90 / ITRD E203772

In: Advances in Intelligent Transportation System design : papers presented at the Future Transportation Technology International Conference, San Diego, California, August, 6-8, 1997, SAE Technical Paper 972652, p. 1-7, 4 ref.

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