The automobile and the environment : an international perspective.

Gakenheimer, R. (ed.)

A set of papers that organize the data on transport related environmental problems and the options for policy response is presented in the following chapters; I Environmental Implications of Options in Urban mobility (OECD) II Urban Public Transport: Service innovations in operations, planning and technology (R.A. BURCO)./. III Methods of traffic limitation in urban areas (J.M. THOMPSON) IV The automobile and the environment: implications for the planning process (M.L. MANHEIM and J. SUHRBIER) V Automobiles and cities: strategies for developing countries (W. OWEN) VI Automotive air pollution and noise: implications for public policy (OECD)

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B 16284 /72/93/

Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1978, XIII + 494 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.

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