Automobile rear signal research I: Effects of signal colour and intensity, ambient illumination, running lights and driver age on laboratory performance.

Attwood, D.A.

Thirty subjects, in two age groups, were instructed to respond as quickly and acurrately as possible to different combinations of lights presented on the rear of a model automobile. The combinations simulated normal as well as malfunction signal conditions. Turn signals, which were either red or amber, were presented at one of two light intensities, each corresponding to intensities currently required on the road. Selected stimuli were viewed separately against two extreme conditions of ambient illumination. In addition, brake lights were alternately combined with low-intensity presence lights under one lens.

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B 29249 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 236572

Downsview, Ontario, Department of National Defence, Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, 1977, IX + 40 p., 15 ref.; Technical Memo TM-RSU-77/3

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