Automobiliteit tussen vrijheid en gebondenheid.

Kropman, J.A. & Kockelkoren, M.G.J.

Traffic jams and environmental pollution demand a policy aimed at mitigating the increase in car use. To achieve this aim, measures are being considered to make car use less attractive, for instance increasing the costs, and (also) measures to improve the quality of public transport, for instance reducing the duration of trips. This paper describes a method to determine the transition potential (the situational analysis) and, within this potential, to assess the expected effect of measures under consideration (scenario's). This approach is illustrated with data fro a study among motorists using the route between Dordrecht and Rotterdam.

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B 29339 (In: B 29301 [electronic version only]) /71 /72 / IRRD 825740

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1989, Deel II: Overige bijdragen, p. 637-656, 7 ref.

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