Automotive design futures

Van Grondelle, E.D.

Mobility has always been integral to human experience. Despite its importance, mainstream discussions on the subject tend to reduce it to the movement of people and objects from one point to the next. Encompassing flows of not only the mundane (food, people) but also the intangible (ideas, money), and what lies beyond our everyday perception (the Earth’s crust, atoms), mobility is an unpredictable, highly influential force.

This book Mobility Society; Society seen through the lens of mobilities recognizes mobility as an interdisciplinary entanglement of relationships with society, which shapes social structures. "Mobility | Society" explores the relationship between the two concepts by taking the broadest possible perspective and examining society through various mobility lenses. To fully understand the significance and potential of mobility, the book combines data-driven and metaphorical approaches. Not adhering to a strict sequence, the book’s design offers the readers various entry points, suggesting possible connections between disciplines and providing inspiration for societal improvement through design innovation.

Verschenen in
Mobility Society; Society seen through the lens of mobilities
Van Dijk, M.; Vermeersch, L.
Gepubliceerd door
Delft University of Technology Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich

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