Autonomous automated driving in real traffic.

Ulmer, B.

Within the PROMETHEUS (PROgraMme for a European Traffic with Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety) activities, the increase of safety plays an important role. One solution consists in environment detection and derivation of the appropriate driving manoeuvres in order to avoid collisions automatically. In this paper the autonomous automated driving demonstrator vehicle VITA II (VIsion Technology Application) is presented. The driving manoeuvres performed by VITA II such as line keeping, lane changing, overtaking and collision avoidance are listed. The perception modules required to carry out these manoeuvres are also presented briefly.

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C 10172 (In: C 9906 d [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 868796

In: "Towards an intelligent transport system" : proceedings of the first world congress on applications of transport telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems IVHS, Palais de Congrès de Paris, France, 30 November - 3 December 1994, Volume 4, p. 2118-2125, 13 ref.

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