The availability of hospitalised road user data in OECD member countries (2001). A report of the IRTAD Operational Committee.

Gutoskie, P.

At the 23rd IRTAD Operational Committee meeting, which immediately followed the special seminar in Vienna, it was decided that efforts should be made to enhance the IRTAD database by exploring the issue of what is preventing or impeding member countries from reporting hospitalisation data. As a result, in the spring of 2001, a brief questionnaire (see Appendix A) was sent to all national data providing institutes. The objectives of the questionnaire were: • to determine the source and the type (census/sample) of information that is available in countries that currently provide hospitalised road user data to IRTAD; • to determine how more consistent and comparable hospitalised victim data could be obtained from countries that currently provide this information to IRTAD; • to determine the major impediments faced by member countries that currently do not provide hospitalised road user data to IRTAD; and • to explore possibilities for increased reporting from countries that currently do not provide these data to IRTAD. This report summarises the questionnaire responses and recommends actions that may lead to more complete reporting of such information in the future. (Author/publisher)

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20031590 ST [electronic version only] /81 /

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, International Road Traffic and Accidend Database IRTAD / Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2003, 31 p.; International Road Traffic and Accidend Database IRTAD Special Report

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