Award paper and session 1: applying conventional transportation engineering in developing countries.

Jacobs, G.D. Fouracre, P.R. Maunder, D.A.C. Weeks, N.E. Kay, J.L. Daniel, K.M. & Jarrett, D.H.

Child safety on Michigan highways (ITE Michigan section); public transport problems in third world countries (jacobs,gd, fouracre,pr and maunder,dac); traffic engineering and transportation planning in developing nations (weeks,ne); institutional issues surrounding traffic engineering in developing nations (kay,jl); traffic engineering practices in developing countries: an overview of practices with respect to development and traffic characteristics (daniel,m); streets in arab communities (jarrett,dh). for the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 275170.

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C 37284 (In: B 23881) /72 /73 /83 /91 / IRRD 275171

In: Transportation : an international overview : compendium of technical papers : proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, London, England, August 14-18, 1983, Pp.

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