Awareness of collision course in traffic accidents.

Ross, H.L.

In the analysis of accidents, with the goal of their prevention, a central problem is the identification of a common factor that appears in a significant proportion of accidents. Experience in the Northwestern University project, "Experimental Case Studies of Traffic Accidents," suggests that such a factor may be found in the lack of awareness of collision course. In a two-vehicle collision, one or both drivers may not realize the presence of the other vehicle until it is too late for effective evasive action, or, if the other vehicle is perceived in time, its course may be incorrectly predicted. This report uses data from the 48 accidents studied by the Case Studies project to exemplify and detail the problems presented by these conditions to drivers. It suggests ways in which these conditions can be improved in order to reduce collision accidents. (Author/publisher)

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20070996 ST [electronic version only]

Traffic Safety Research Review, Vol. 5 (1961), No. 1 (March), p. 12-16, 4 ref.

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