Barge Bow Force-Deformation Relationships for Barge Bridge Collision Analysis.

Consolazio, G. Davidson, M.T. & Cowan, D.R.

The AASHTO specifications pertaining to bridge design for barge collisionloads employ a static impact force determination procedure. Incorporated within that static procedure is a force deformation relationship that represents barge bow stiffness. Recently, dynamic vessel collision analysis techniques, which include mass-related components of bridge response, were developed that also require the use of a force deformation relationship (“crush curve”) to model barge bow stiffness. Whether static or dynamic analysis techniques are employed, the vessel crush curve largely governs impactforces, and therefore plays a critical role in quantifying structural response to impact loads. In this paper, the basis for the AASHTO crush-curveis reviewed, and new crush-curves are proposed based on finite element crush simulations of multiple high resolution barge bow models. The barge models developed for this study were based strictly on structural vessel plans obtained from U.S. barge manufacturers and comprise the two most commontypes of barges traversing U.S. inland waterways (hopper and tanker). Recommended crush curves are then proposed for use in barge bridge collision analysis and design.

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C 47706 (In: C 45019 DVD) /24 / ITRD E853638

In: Compendium of papers DVD 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2009, 19 p.

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