Barn i bil. (Children in cars.)


Different aspects of child protection inside the car are studied, especially the medical and practical ones. Different protection systems are found to suit different age groups; for infants (about 0-9 months) the pram insertion, placed angularly in relation to the travel direction on the back seat is the best solution. Child seats are best for children between approx. 9 months and 4 - 7 years. For the age group lacking a special protection device (4 - 7 to 12 - 15 years) placement on the back seat is best. Car belts can be used from 12 - 15 years. Suggestions are made regarding legislation, development and standardization work and information; the traffic safety authorities should be assured legal possibilities to forbid the use of protection devices not found safe enough. Child seats and car belts should be constructed so as to permit their use by as many children as possible. The interior of cars should be made safer. The medical properties of children should be taken into strong consideration in these matters. This report is also available in English: "children in cars. Report 11a. Nordisk trafiksikkerhedsraad. 1975.".

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B 17126 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 214986

Stockholm, Nordisk Trafiksikkerhedsraedet (Nordic Road Safety Council), 1975, 105 p., 21 ref.; Rapport 11

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