Barns trafiksäkerhet. Bilaga 5: Barns förekomst i trafiken som fötgangare, cyklist och mepedist.

Spolander, K.

In this appendix a survey is given of the present knowledge of the occurrence of children in traffic as pedestrians, cyclists and mopedists. In the matter of car traffic, continuous measurements are made that make it possible te estimate the passenger and freight transport work of the country. No such measurements are made on the traffic work that pedestrians, cyclists and mopedists do. The basis for estimating the occurrence of children in traffic is therefore consisting of specific investigations, more or less restricted, and it is therefore not possible to describe their occurrence in traffic in the same general way that can be done for car traffic.

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B 17267 fo /83/ IRRD 243630

Stockholm, Kommunikationsdepartementet, 1979, 21 p., tab., ref.

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