Barriers to modal shift.

Derek Halden Consultancy

Barriers to modal shift in Scotland were examined using surveys. The first part of the study consists of a literature review, considering the components of car dependence, the costs / benefits of travel, hard factors affecting modal split, soft factors affecting modal split, lifestyle issues, and decision processes. The bridges to modal shift and the implications for transport modellling are outlined. An analysis of travel choices was undertaken in four areas of Glasgow, with more detailed work undertaken on the Newton Mearns/Giffnock corridor. The proportion of car use declined moving towards the city centre. The vast majority of non-home trips were made by car. Rail was preferred from Newton Mearns while bus was preferred from Giffnock. A telephone survey and group discussions were undertaken. Rail bound transport was popular with commuters but not non-commuters, possibly because railway car parks were insufficiently large. A focus group of car users for commuter and non-commuter journeys indicated that the most important barriers to bus travel were ticketing, information, personal safety and waiting. The most important factors affecting modal split identified in a postal survey were journey time, safety of walking / cycling, risks from pollution of walking / cycling, bus information and personal safety when using buses and bus stops. As many as 74% of respondents were prepared to use the buses for commution or non-commuting purposes if all their stated high priority changes were implemented. When asked about factors affecting residential location choice, general amenity and quality of life were the most important factors. Respondents who regarded it as very important to live in locations that have public transport were more likely than average to use public transport. When public transport providers were provided with the results of the surveys, they were aware of of many of the issues but not necessarily able to resolve them. For instance, the size of railway station car parks is often constrained to the size of the former coal yard at the station. If there are several barriers precluding use of public transport, modal shift will not be achieved if only some of these are tackled. (Author/publisher)

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C 30191 [electronic version only] /72 /71 / ITRD E122143

Edinburgh, Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit (CRU), Transport Research Planning Group, 2003, 117 p., 70 ref.; Transport Research Series - ISSN 0950-2254 / ISBN 0-7559-3593-4

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