Basic training program for driver license examiner. Vol.I. : Course Guide. Vol.II : Instructor's Lesson Plans Vol.III: Trainee Study Guide. Vol.IV : Final Report: Concepts and Recommendations.

Malany, L.L. & Pendleton, J.T.

The developed training program presents the minimum course of instruction and covers the minimum knowledge and skill requirements needed for an individual to function as a driver license examiner, including guidelines for instructional and supporting materials. Materials which are utilizable as instructor lesson plans and guidelines preparation documents are presented. In addition, student training materials are supplied along with course presentation guidelines and recommendations.

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B 27741 a+b+c+d /83 / IRRD 222452

Urbana- Champaign, Ill., Technical Education Research Center, 1971 /1972, XII + 47 p., IX + 284 p., 45 ref., IV + 75 p., IX + 31 p. DOT HS- 800536 /DOT HS- 800577 /DOT HS- 800578.

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