Behavioral and physical biometric characteristics modeling used for ITS security improvement.

Baca, M. Schatten, M. & Seva, J.

Biometric technologies rely on specific biometric characteristics that are used for recognition. The particular characteristic for a given situation can be described through a serious of descriptive parameters including ease of collecting, permanence, measurably, acceptability, deceptiveness, universality, uniqueness, sample cost, system cost, database size, as well as environmental factors. By using our ontology-based framework for adequacy of biometric systems, the authors introduce a model for using biometric technologies in Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS. Such technologies increase security, safety and protection of ITS. (Author/publisher)

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20121702 ST [electronic version only]

Transport Problems, Vol. 4 (2009), No. 4, p. 5-13, 9 ref.

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