Behaviour of car drivers on Austrian motorways at weekends.

Kaufmann, C.

The high speeds of drivers using Austrian motorways and the relatively high fatality rate on motorways and main roads is described. Excessive speed was considered responsible for 36.6% of accidents in 2000. An analysis of the characteristics of speeding drivers was carried out on the motorway at week-ends. 801 vehicles were observed and registered on seven experimental trips. 30 different brands of cars were observed. 17 colours of car were observed. 27.5% of cars overtook the test car and were exceeding the speed limit. Two thirds of drivers did not have two hands positioned on the steering wheel. Half of drivers had their lights switched on. 34 drivers committed offences such as following the car in front too closely, overtaking on the incorrect side or reading while driving. Male drivers, young drivers and drivers of large cars were more likely to overtake. Drivers using higher speeds were also likely to neglect other traffic regulations. Austrians drove faster than non-Austrian drivers. Drivers of cars made in Germany were also more likely to drive fast. For the covering abstract see ITRD E123876.

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C 33818 (In: C 33811) [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E123883

In: Proceedings of the ICTCT Workshop on Intelligent Speed Adaptation held Nagoya, Japan, May 2002, p. 75-87, 7 ref.

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